How to Prevent Water Spots and Keep Your Car Shining – Top Tips for a Spotless Finish

October 2, 2024

Water spots are a frustrating problem for car owners wanting a sparkling clean ride. In addition to being unsightly, many people don’t realize water spots can also damage your paint over time. Water spots are a common car woe, but the good news is they can be prevented with proper prevention and care. The experts at Super Star Car Wash have answers to your top water spot questions below:  


What causes hard water spots? 


Water spots typically appear on your car when minerals are present in the water – like calcium and magnesium – evaporate, leaving behind deposits. This crusty, whitish residue can come from rain drops or other water sources your car comes into contact with. These spots are particularly visible on dark-colored cars because they contrast with the car’s color. The same thing happens if you have hard water in your home. Over time, you may notice a white buildup on your faucets, shower heads, and kitchen utensils.  


Why should you avoid hard water spots? 


Minerals like calcium and magnesium aren’t harmful to humans, but they can cause things to break down more quickly – including car paint. If not properly treated, water spots can eventually soak through the clear top coat of the paint, creating small indents. Over time, these depressions can get bigger, causing permanent paint damage, rust and deterioration.  


How do you prevent water spots on your car?  

Preventing water spots is easier than you might think: 


Dry your car thoroughly with microfiber cloths: After washing, use a microfiber towel to dry your car completely. Water left to air dry can leave spots as it evaporates. Drying your car with rags, regular towels, or clothing is not recommended because of the lint they leave behind. That’s why Super Star Car Wash always offers the FREE use of microfiber towels at every location.  


At Super Star Car Wash, we understand the importance of having a spotless vehicle. That’s why our top-of-the-line equipment is designed to give you the cleanest, driest car, every single time. In fact, the drying system as you exit the tunnel is so effective, you may only need to do some minor touch ups with the free microfiber towels to get a flawless end result.  


Avoid sunlight as much as possible: The heat of the sun causes water to dry quickly and unevenly across the surface of your car. This can result in a streaky finish and lots of water spots that become difficult to remove. Park your car in a shaded area to avoid direct sunlight, which can hasten water spot formation.  


Stay away from sprinklers: Sprinklers are one of the worst culprits of water spots on your car. Do your best to avoid parking in front of sprinkler heads (like a grassy area or a park). Hoses, puddles and other groundwater can also leave pesky water spots behind. Do your best to keep your vehicle dry, and give it a good wash promptly after coming into contact with hard water sources. Super Star Car Wash uses reverse osmosis to filter our water and strip it of minerals, so you’re guaranteed a spot free rinse every time.  


Wash and wax regularly: Creating a good habit of washing and waxing your car not only makes your ride look fantastic, but it also protects your car from damage and deterioration. Washing and waxing your vehicle often creates a protective layer on your car, making it harder for water spots to stick.  


How do you treat water spots? 


You can probably guess where this is going, right? Bring your car into Super Star Car Wash and let us take care of those hard water spots for you! Don’t risk one of your biggest investments on a DIY job at home. Click here to learn more and find a location near you!